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Our Kaupapa

In February 2022 the Kā Pou Whenua Kaitiaki rōpū was established. The membership is made up of mana whenua and tāngata whenua from across Waitaha and Te Tai Poutini rōhe. All members work across the mental health and/or addiction system and as such are considered subject matter experts for the care of whānau receiving mental health and addiction support, including specialist or inpatient care. Currently there are 20 kaitiaki rōpū members each lending their expertise to shape and support the implementation of the
Kā Pou Whenua.

Kā Pou Whenua fully endorses such practices as co-design from project conception to completion. This means, we will engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including patients and whānau members, Iwi and hāpu partners to co-design service improvement initiatives.

We have a team of experienced and professional interviewers, group facilitators, transcribers and data analysts. We are available to meet with all stakeholders in their home, workplace, community hubs and Marae.


The Kā Pou Whenua project is whānau led and driven ensuring the experiences of whānau who have or currently use services are leading out every aspect of the project.



Whānau accessing services must be at the center of the mental health and addiction system. Whānau-centered practice provides the context for achieving optimal wellbeing because it is co-designed and evaluated by those it intends to benefit: whānau.


Effective Kaupapa Māori service provision is supported by a full range of therapeutic and clinical responses. Which is why it is important we talk with kaimahi working in our communities

Peer training for the Hikoi Manaaki Services. Poutini Waiora 2023

“They understood our daughter and treated her like a person, valued her voice and supported her to connect with her environment and who she is in such a respectful way”
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